San Andreas Highway Patrol “H-13”
H-13 is a SAHP Airbus H125 assigned to the Miriam Turner Division Air Operations Unit and based at Los Santos International Airport (LSIA) in Los Santos, SA. The Miriam Turner Division operates two airplanes and two helicopters covering whole Los Santos county in an area of approximately 6.923 square miles, and provides assistance with pursuits, suspect search, search and rescue. medevac, traffic enforcement, traffic congestion relief, stolen vehicle recoveries, and surveillance.
The aircraft is equipped with an NVG capable Garmin glass cockpit, Genesys Aerosystems HeliSAS two-axis autopilot system, FLIR 380-HDe camera. Trakkabeam A800 searchlight, Churchill Navigation system, and Flightcell OZM communications systems. In the rescue and medevac role, a hoist allows extrications from a maximum height of 150 feet above ground level. If medical intervention is required, the helicopter is staffed for Advanced Life Support missions and carries a defibrillator, heart monitor, and oxygen.
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